Update for Copiers and Followers APRIL REVIEW & LOOK AHEAD Another month done and dusted. I’m quite happy with the progress being made this year. Currently at +23.5% after 4 months and the focus on UK/EU businesses that were heavily impacted by Covid and their expected recovery this year as […]
End Of March Update I wanted to look at the portfolio a little differently while doing this update. The overall asset allocation mix is still about the same as February, so the update on the website is valid if you missed that one: https://www.globalmarkie.com/investusmaximus-february-portfolio-update/ What I’ve done with the graphic […]
Update for Copiers. Afternoon all. We are almost done with February and the month currently sits at +11.44%. It’s been a very strong month with the epicenter stocks finally making some strong moves as the UK arrived at the 22nd February and the unveiling of the lockdown exit plan and […]
Morning all. Interesting chart from Bloomberg looking at the performance of $GOLD and $BTC I’ve added the Magenta lines to show the previous period where Gold outperformed Bitcoin and how it was Gold that consolidated while Bitcoin then played catch-up. Right now we have a similar divergence and it’s an […]
Morning all. The FOMC release last night initially lead to a rally in stock and a spike in bond yield, the 10 year recovery a little bit of what had been lost through the morning, but ultimately the tone changed and Powell’s performance left a lot to be desired. The […]
Afternoon all. Been a while since I posted here so hi and best wishes to anyone still visiting the wall. We’re now at less than 20 days to the Bitcoin halving and the situation is strange at the moment, with interest in crypto investing/speculation probably quite low on the list […]
Morning all. I’m sure most of you have caught some $oil headlines, an unprecedented situation unfolding where a futures contract went into negative value. This is quite spectacular and even though I hold no Oil related investments at this time, these kind of events get my attention as an investor. […]
Last week was quite a crazy one for markets, the Dow experiencing its worst week since 2008, when the global financial system went into meltdown. Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/19/stock-market-futures-open-to-close-news.html If we go back to the start of this market correction, I was initially looking for a 20% correction, just touching that […]
This past week has not been kind to Gold or any of the other precious metals. At a time of distressed global markets, many have fled to Gold for it’s reputation as a good ‘safe haven’ during times of trouble. For anyone seeking refuge in the warming light of Gold […]
Evening all. Yesterday the markets displayed some strange behaviour with the ‘Triple Whammy’ I wrote about last night and that certainly ended up being a portend for a bad day, with the Dow having its worst day since the 1987 flash crash. See: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/11/futures-are-steady-wednesday-night-after-dow-closes-in-bear-market-traders-await-trump.html I usually use the SP500 for […]