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Virus Testing Will Demonstrate The Real Outbreak

With so little testing carried out in the US, the headlines are only just getting going on this story for them I believe.

This is from another article I was reading yesterday:

” During a Senate hearing Tuesday, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn was greeted by skeptical lawmakers and pushed to explain how he thinks the United States could do a million tests when, to date, it has only been able to perform about 3,600 tests.”


With so few tests conducted, it’s no wonder their confirmed cases number is so low, but the CDC has said that every state will be in a position to conduct tests themselves when new kits are distributed.

“A spokesperson for the FDA said in a statement that state and local public health labs will be able to test up to 75,000 people by the end of the week. That spokesperson added that a commercial manufacturer, IDT, is producing additional CDC tests and expects to have shipped test kits capable of about 1 million tests to academic, healthcare and commercial labs by the week’s end.”

It could be a real test for markets if a constant stream of new confirmations start hitting the newswires in the US, and I remain wary of deploying capital during such uncertainty.

Turning to the UK, I was listening to the Chief Medical Offer talk and he suggested we would see 50% of all cases in the next 3 weeks and 95% over 9 weeks.

Using this kind of forecast as an extremely rough and loose guide, it could suggest that somewhere within this 3 week period the ‘peak fear’ kind of period I’ve been looking for in the markets will occur and that could provide a window to start using capital in the hope that this virus outbreak will start to dissipate and allow market action stabilise in the weeks that follow.

Thanks for your time.

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